A proven history and passion for making thoughts things....


​​Every time we pick up a pencil and look at a blank sheet of paper... There is a sense of joy and wonder at what may come, we look forward to this service and we marvel at what we can collaboratively accomplish.  Our experience as fabricators, successful start-up partners/owners, project managers, marketing directors, creative directors, team leaders, overseas manufactures, tradeshow gurus, web designer-builder, draftsmen, salesmen/ saleswomen, and financial officers, brings a new level to... CREATIVE FOR HIRE.



BFA. industrial design

Russell Rothan is an industrial designer and entrepreneur with expertise in museum, product, and theme park development. His clients have included some of the biggest names in the museum, theme park and mass retail world.  His specific skills include strategic and interpretive planning, creative direction, content development, ergonomic and human factors, prototyping, graphics, packaging, exhibit, interaction design, fabrication, production, and project management.
Russell's a creator of the world recognized and popular Tireflys. His companies have been awarded numerous patents and trademarks and has had products placed in over 65,000 retail locations globally.